Mosaic Heart
I have a mosaic heart.
Yes, that means it’s forever broken, glued beautifully together by a flicker hope that never seems to fade. Oddly enough, being broken has made it even more beautiful. Mosaics are stunning masterpieces, built from shards of glass. They are a collection of shattered pieces, glued together, to form a brilliant picture.
This heart wasn’t always broken. There was a time it was big and full of hope for love and joy of life. It beat innocently in my chest, light and free. It knew no envy or evil, only empathy. It was compassionate and playful. Ambitious and trusting. It knew that love would come. It was giving and pure. Kind and true. My heart was golden, unbreakable, and glowing.
It was a good heart.
As the years passed, it began to crack.
People just weren’t as good as the heart had hoped. Love was always given, rarely ever received. This good heart was deceived, deprived, poisoned by lies. It cracked under the weight of pain, false hopes, and broken promises.
But, it was a good heart. A courageous heart. It didn’t want to give up.
So, I used spackle to patch the cracks, and it worked well for a while. It was a sturdy fix. Enough to feel again. To move forward. It began to beat even stronger.
It became a warriors heart. One that endured its first battle and won.
Then, it fell for false love. It hit the ground, cracked open, evenly, in large shards, like a ceramic mug. I glued the pieces back together, easily. Seamlessly. You couldn’t tell it had been completely broken. Looks can be deceiving, for it was weakened, and could only bare a tender touch.
It was met with an iron fist.
told it was not enough.
crossed paths with sharper hearts that cut and sliced
To them, the good heart didn’t matter….the pressure built…up, up, up….and it finally shattered.
The shards were scattered
A thousand pieces lay lost, alone and uncollected
Frantically, they were gathered
And since they could not be perfectly placed back together..
I made a mosaic out of them.
So, yes, now it is a wise, mosaic heart. Fragile yet formidable. Still broken, but whole. It understands that life is unfair and unforgiving.
It still has hope, that…
Existence without love, is not really living….
and somewhere out there, another mosaic heart is searching for it too.
It is beautiful, broken and still beating. My mosaic heart.