Riding Horses at the Pyramids


Grander than passing “time” itself…the pyramids have collected the years and ceased to falter. Their story is to be told over and over again, continually building on itself in the midst of the ever changing world. They are a testament of ancient civilization and are no safer than the rest of us to the effects of time, yet they still stand.

There is nothing that compares to seeing the Pyramids for the first time and marveling at their size and existence. How in the world did they build them? Why are they here?

Now, add horses to mix and the adventure is simply magical.

Every time I have ridden at the pyramids, I have been blessed with the company of great horses and people. It has made the experience that much more incredible.

On this particular ride, we were accompanied by an extremely talented photographer, (@umutsullu) who captured the beauty of my horse Samara (from @fbstablesgiza) and the magnificence of the pyramids.

I like to believe that if we continue to build on our own life stories through experiences and connections, we too will leave behind a legacy that stands the test of time.

Just like the pyramids.

Horses, TravelNatalie Nascenzi