The Art of Letting Go


The title is a bit misleading, this post is a mash-up of some notes I had in my phone and an old instagram caption….bare with me.

The art of letting go has many layers. This is just the smallest little sprinkle of a very deep pool of spiritual knowledge, either way, I hope there is something in here that helps you. Let’s get into it, shall we?

Resistance and the ego play a large role in making decisions that involve our transformation and evolution. Transformation almost always involves letting something go in order to transcend your current state of being. Letting something go almost always involves a battle with your ego.

Our ego is a very tricky. We aren’t always able to understand every perspective or grasp the truth when it isn’t what we want to hear. When the reality of a situation isn’t what we want, our ego tempts us to “resist” what is and fight for what isn’t. That is to say, our ego does not always lead us in the direction of the highest good.

You have to acknowledge the illusory lens of the ego and drop it. Then, accept and trust. Though the path before us isn’t always what we expect or want, it is there because it’s what we need. Life develops what it demands. Go with the flow and trust the process.

In the process of “letting go” of anything or anyone (even a past version of yourself), the push and pull of the ego remains ever-present. We try to suppress, destroy, and forget our feelings. It hurts less in the moment, but erodes our soul slowly over time. Why?

You cannot kill love or positive emotions or influential memories. You cannot rid yourself of their powerful influences.

To feel nothing is to deny yourself humanity. Healing.

You can only accept and understand it all for what it is, and be grateful for the simple, temporary bliss.

You must let all the emotions move through you and around you. Feel everything. Understand everything. Good and bad are both beautiful—even pain. Learn the lesson and gain the wisdom as you feel, experience and live with every emotion. Eventually, ONLY the negativity passes through. Sadness, regret, pain, betrayal, revenge, hatred, resentment, the need to look back…dissolves. Gone. All that’s left is the love for all that is, was and will be. You are at peace. The ego is at rest.

Then, as you move forward on the river of time, all that remains is a positive spark in your heart, existing forever as a beautiful memory.

You have found acceptance with what is, and now you will be open for what will be. Letting go leaves you the room for transformation to occur and for transcendence of the self to follow.